Introduction of Calculating Fractions:
In this section let me help you on fraction calculator. A fraction is a number that represent a part of a whole. For example 1/2. It represents half part. The upper number in a fraction is called numerator and lower number is called denominator So in the example 1/2, 1 is the numerator and 2 is the denominator. A usual fraction is also known as vulgar fraction
Fractions are mainly divided into three:
1) Proper fraction- Numerator is less than denominator eg:- 1/2,4/7
2) Improper fraction- Numerator is greater than denominator eg:-4/3,7/5
3) Mixed fraction:- A combination of a number and proper fraction. eg:- 1 1/2, 2 3/7
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We can do all types of operations using fractions
The different operations are Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Here i am explaining only addition. This can also help us on how many triangles puzzle
a) Addition:- To add two fractions the denominator must be same. If in the given two fractions the denominators are not same then we have to convert them to common denominator and then add.