Saturday, July 17, 2010

Introduction of Regular Polygons

What is a regular polygon?
A regular polygon are polygons which all sides are equal in length and also all the angles measures same in degrees. In other words a regular polygon is equilateral and equiangular. For example: a square, a triangle having all sides equal.


There are many ways to find the area of a regular polygon.

1) When length of the side of regular polygon is given
In regular polygons all sides are equal in length. Even if length of one side is given we can calculate area of a regular polygon using the formula below
AREA = S2 N / 4 tan ( Π / N ) S- length of any one side
N - No. of sides of a regular polygon
2) When the radius of a regular polygon given
AREA = [R2 N sin ( 2 Π / N ) ] / 2 R - radius of a regular polygon
N - No. of sides of a regular polygon
sin - is a sine function
3) Given the Apothem (The perpendicular distance from center to vertex)
AREA = A2 N tan ( Π / N ) A - Length of the apothegm
N - No. of sides of a regular polygon
tan - tangent function
4) Given both the apothegm and side length
Here first determine the perimeter by multiplying the side length by N. The area can now be calculated as below
AREA = AP / 2 A - Length of the apothem
P = perimeter

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