Friday, August 27, 2010

7 sided polygon

Let us discuss about the images of 7 sided polygon. The polygon for every equivalent angles is similar to the every equivalent side of it. The 7 sided polygons is commonly known as the heptagon. The closed line of the boundary and arranges by the fixed length of a straight line segments. Next we are going to see the images of 7 sided polygons.
Images of 7 Sided Polygons
The definition is 7 sides polygon is called as the heptagon. 14 diagonals are present in 7 side polygon. 5 triangles are present in 7 side polygon. The side of the heptagon is 7. The following image is declaring the 7 side polygon.

The 7 side polygon is declaring the two types.
The first type is regular 7 side polygons.
The second type is irregular 7 side polygon.
This could also help us on integrated algebra. The regular 7 side polygon is declare the simply the polygon all sides are same length and same angle. It is 7 side polygon regular is known as the equilateral polygon. The following image is declaring the regular 7 side polygon.

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