Monday, September 6, 2010

Help in calculating mean

How to calculate mean

In this session let me help you on what is mean.Mean, median and mode are more common terms in statistics.

The average or mean is calculated by arranging the value from the set in a particular way and computing a single number as being the average of the set.

The median of a list of numbers can be arranging all the values from lowest value to highest value and select the middle one.

Mode is also a compute of central tendency. In a set of individual observations, the value occurs most time is called as mode.


In general Arithmetic mean (A.M) or average of n number of data x1, x2, …, xn is defined to be the number x such that the sum of the deviations of the observations from x is 0. That is, the arithmetic mean x of n observations x1, x2, …, xn is given by the equation. This will also help us on perimeter of a triangle. This could also help us on normal distribution calculator.

(x1 − x) +(x2 − x) + … +(xn − x) = 0

Hence [barx] = x1+x2+x3+…….xn / n

Mean or average= sum of elements / total number of elements

Ex : To find the mean or average of 7, 5, 6

Step 1: Find the sum of numbers

7+5+6= 18

Step 2: Calculate the total value. Therefore 3 values

Step 3: Calculate mean use formula 18/3=6

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